Out With the Old, In With the New: 3 Things I’m Leaving Behind for 2022

Nicole Raposo
3 min readDec 19, 2021


I’m not usually one for new year’s resolutions but I’ve decided to push myself and start 2022 with some goals in mind. These are the top 3 things I’m leaving in 2021:

Thankless Jobs

By “thankless jobs” I mean my actual job as well as things I felt were “my job” in the figurative sense. The things that drew me to my career have worn away and now the cons of staying greatly outweigh the pros. I’ve found myself facing the same problems across workplaces and employers and I’m starting to realize that a change of careers would probably be a better solution than simply looking for a new job in my current field.

I’m tired of using my intellect to make stupid people look smarter — by reteaching things they should already know, by correcting their numerous mistakes, and by picking up their slack so that essential work is done how and when it’s supposed to be done. I’m tired of the expectation to be a team player when it seems the only competition is to see who can do the least amount of work and still take home a check every 2 weeks. I’d gotten used to leaning in more when coworkers came up short but that extra energy was rarely reciprocated or acknowledged with gratitude. In 2022 it’s no longer my job to do someone else’s best and I’m only going to focus on doing my own. I’m currently reassessing my skills to consider transitional careers and also weighing options for self-employment.


I’ve developed a habit of procrastinating under the guise of waiting for the “perfect” moment comes for me to start certain things. Sometimes I waited so long that an opportunity completely passed me by. Then something else that I chose to avoid comes along I’d be back in the cycle of waiting for the right time, feeling guilty and anxious because I haven’t started, and continuing to wait for a perfect time that will never exist.

Waiting was stalling, which was really a form of avoidance. And when I reflect on the things that passed me by because I procrastinated I realize that I avoided them because I was afraid of failing or losing. I may have spared myself some discomfort or embarrassment but also missed out on opportunities that could’ve lead to professional and personal growth. My habit isn’t something I can simply leave in 2021 but it’s something I’ll be chipping away at this over the course of 2022. If there’s something I truly don’t want to do I’ll have to say no, and if something I’d like to do makes me anxious I’ll have to work through it as I go.

Excessive Humility

Despite my procrastination problem I’ve still managed to do some things I can be proud of. It wasn’t until a close friend drew attention to how often say things like “it’s no big deal” and “no sweat” that I considered how dismissive I am when it comes to my own accomplishments. From now on I’m openly celebrating all of my wins whether they were easy or hard-won.



Nicole Raposo

Amateur blogger. Wannabe Journalist. Bootleg archivist. What’s the riddle of it all?